Paul Connolly is a Home Office qualified Dog Trainer, Canine Behaviourist and Canine Reiki Practitioner. He is a member of the British Institute of Professional Dog Trainers.
He moved to Fife in 2005 with his wife Sylvia and their five dogs. Together they run "Professional Dog Training Services UK" and have done so since Paul retired as a Police Dog Handler, Trainer and Instructor in 2003. Their lives are now dedicated to Rescuing and helping dogs and their owners in any way they can. They take on rescue cases and now have Eleven dogs of their own, they run numerous dog training classes in Fife and provide alternative and complementary holistic healing remedies for dogs.
Paul offers entertaining and educational talks to small and larger groups and is keen to support any Charitable or Rescue events. He is also an accomplished "After Dinner Speaker" and will speak on a variety of dog related subjects, from his rehabilitation work with rescue dogs, the role of working dogs, making the "Energy Connection", to more humorous anecdotal stories relating to his many years experience as a Police Dog Handler and Trainer/ Instructor.
Fees are negotiable on application, dependent upon the event and the travelling required.
"To Train Dogs Let Us First Understand Them"
Whether it is a one-to-one personal consultation or in a group/class format, all of our training is based upon humane, force-free techniques and motivational behaviour shaping, which are underpinned by a deep understanding and knowledge of canine psychology, behaviour and communication. This ensures that our training is targeted to the individual dog and handler's specific needs, promoting a calm, relaxed, ambient atmosphere in the training environment and encouraging happy dog and handler interaction which helps create strong "Pack Bonding" and makes training both fun and rewarding for all those involved.
The level of success we achieve in dog training is directly proportionate to the level of understanding we have of our dog, it's behaviour, needs, drives and motivations.
My own experience with dogs has led me into a never ending quest for more and more knowledge of the wonderful animals that so many of us share our lives with, be they pets, companions or working partners.
From early childhood, dogs have been a fulfilling and enriching part of my life. For over fifty years I have been fascinated and sometimes perplexed, overjoyed and sometimes puzzled, but above all I have been priviliged to have shared my time with my own and other people's dogs.
As a young, uniformed Police Officer and then as a Detective, I witnessed the amazing bond, skills, trust and bravery displayed by Police dogs and their handlers and I knew this was the life for me. Unfortunately, I had to wait a number of years before my dream became reality, as vacancies on Police Dog sections are few and far between, and much sought after. However, I did achieve my goal and spent the next fifteen years as both an Operational Dog Handler and Trainer and eventually Instructor, working and training General Purpose Police dogs and Narcotic Detection dogs and their handlers. It was during this period that my own philosophy toward training both dogs and people was formulated, based upon two very important principles, Communication and Understanding.
In any teacher/student relationship the key to success lies in being able to communicate in a language which both parties understand. It would be sheer folly for me to attempt to teach someone who did not understand my language if I did not have at least some understanding of their language. There has to be a common ground from where to start, to enable both the teacher and the student handler and dog to benefit.
Teaching and learning are two sides of the same coin: "KNOWLEDGE", they are intrinsically connected and co-exist as a mutually beneficial experience, bringing UNDERSTANDING to both parties engaged in the experience.
This premise has been the foundation of my teaching and learning experiences over the last thirty five years and indeed, twenty years before that, because learning commences the day we are born, continuing until the day we depart this mortal coil and that is so for both handler and dog. If we have open minds and the correct motivation we are never too old to learn. YOU CAN "teach an old dog new tricks"!
A good leader and trainer's real goal is to make themselves obsolete, to create new leaders and promote leadership skills in others, to teach others to become leaders in their own right. To become Pack Leaders.
Contact Details:
Paul Connolly
Station House,
KY15 4PT.
Telephone: 01382 330456
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which interests you, and we will be happy to discuss your requirements.